We’re passionate about helping you grow, build your team, & shine your light

Find out how each of these Educators’ relationships with Micah work to create an industry-revolutionizing team and how you can build one for your business.

Meet Micah

Micah brings 14 years of experience shooting weddings full-time. She has traveled all over the US, shooting weddings, engagements, proposals, and families. The balance of owning her own business, being a mom of three, and being fully present for her own family isn’t easy, but she’s learned how to structure her business to avoid burnout. She has learned how to stay true to her style and not compromise her consistent, timeless edit as new trends influence the market.

She grew her business, Double Knot Weddings, into a thriving company with multiple lead wedding photographers, second shooters, videographers, and wedding planning and design, “a bride’s simplified wedding experience.” Micah has spent her career building a business that continues to attract her ideal brides and thrive without spending money on paid ads or marketing. Her dad taught her that the best business is one built by referrals, so from the beginning, she zeroed in on her client experience. In order to focus on what she loves: connecting with clients, capturing their most cherished moments, and soaking up time with her own family, she has surrounded herself with a team of professionals with the same perspective.

Although Micah has specialized in weddings for the past 14 years, she has shifted her business to evolve with her seasons of life. When Micah lost her dad unexpectedly, it opened her heart to the value of family memories, so she expanded her shooting schedule to do something she never envisioned. Now, one of her greatest joys is becoming her couple's lifetime photographer, following the newlyweds from their big day to building families with their milestones, celebrations, and sorrows.

Family and faith are everything to Micah. Some of her favorite things are creating experiences with her husband and kids. She’s happily married to her witty, handsome husband, David, and tries to keep up with their three adorable kids. She cherishes her friends and loves big. She prefers one-on-one conversations over big groups because learning a person's heart matters more to Micah than anything. Some would say coffee is Micah’s love language, but she would say it’s quality time. Micah is a dreamer and loves helping people see themselves how Jesus sees them.

Meet Kalli

As a social scientist by training and venue owner by chance, Dr. Kalli Doubleday has a unique perspective intersecting small business advocacy, education, and all things wedding! Kalli has been a venue owner for over 11 years, while also managing other venues, and held Lecturer positions at TCU, UT-Austin, and CSULB. Her venue management is rewound across most of Texas, even with different venue aesthetics and market demographics—but always with the same incredible client and vendor experience working with her venues.

Her Ph.D. led her across the savannas of Africa and the jungles of India, catching cobras and documenting human-tiger conflict. As a social scientist, she specializes in discovering the deep, often buried, truth. Her research on domestic abuse and tiger reintroduction has been published in some of her field's highest-ranking academic journals. Her work has always been about listening, finding connections, and helping others vocalize their struggles and move toward successful strategies. God opened unexpected doors as Kalli navigated her “purpose” through various careers. Trusting the Lord’s plans, Kalli has fully embraced her life’s calling as a “small business advocate,” delighting in helping dozens of wedding vendors and other small businesses strategize and grow.

Meet Kendra

Kendra owns Kendra Duke Design, a wedding planning and events company serving all over Texas, with notable destination events each year. She has planned over 250 Weddings in 8.5 years and has been part of 400 in her career. She has a deep well of knowledge of the wedding industry.

Kendra’s favorite things are decorating (obviously), cooking, music, and travel. ‘“I love weddings and events because I get to listen to people's dreams as a profession. I get to witness their Pinterest boards take shape and come to life. It is truly a great love story that I get to experience over and over again.” One of many ongoing creative projects Kendra and her husband, Noah, are working on, is restoring a 7,000 sq ft 1920s warehouse located in the SODA District of Downtown Abilene. Kendra is a powerhouse of creativity and entrepreneurial pursuits.

Meet David

As a professional bookkeeper, David Schmidt naturally lent his skillset to his wife’s creative business to ensure she was getting paid and not living the “starving artist” lifestyle. David bought Micah her first camera and has watched her business, Double Knot Weddings, grow a team, make market shifts, and be a shining example of a sustainable wedding photography business. David’s company helps wedding photographers make informed decisions, manage their finances, and feel empowered to grow and sustain through the various seasons of business (and life.)

Because of the timing of payments, the accounts of a wedding photographer can be complicated. He aims to make the process smooth while clarifying your financial reports so you will thrive.

Meet Meredith

Ten years ago, Meredith was a high school-homeschooling stay-at-home Air Force wife. She originally joined the Double Knot Wedding team as an album designer. After a year, Meredith stepped into the larger role as Double Knot’s editor, a role she’s had for nearly ten years. She has edited hundreds of weddings and countless sessions ranging from engagements to corporate events. Every time Micah branched out in a type of photography, Meredith learned to edit for it. She now has an extensive portfolio of editing scenarios and experience developing presets, emulating a photographer’s style, organizing and managing images, training back-up editors, and creating workflows. Meredith has a strong heart for seeing creatives thrive, so helping Micah fulfill her vision for Double Knot through editing has defined her success. Her WHY is key to everything else, and it’s what she is passionate about sharing with others.

Three Components to Longevity

Building Your Team

The foundation for longevity.

Whether it’s a bookkeeper, editor, or second shooter, surround yourself with professionals who care about your business.

Building Your Client Base

This is the fuel for longevity.

Your client experience from first impression to post-wedding is what creates lifetime relationships and constant referrals.

Building Your Vendor Network

The funnel for longevity.

Create vendor relations that ensure you are recommended no matter which element is booked first.

We’re here to help you thrive!

Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. Psalms 119:105